I recently had the pleasure of being a guest on the Primal Happiness podcast. I can sincerely say that I had the best time talking to its host Lian Brook Tyler. We laughed, we discussed her own home renovations and most interestingly she asked me questions that I'd never really thought of before. To listen click here.
Primal Happiness is a movement whose goal is to help us get back to who we are on a primal level. In that way we are genuinely able to tap into what makes us happy at a cellular level. It's a movement that really resonates with me....and if you're searching for more but haven't found quite what you're looking for...then you should check them out. But first, listen to my guest spot, episode 161 to learn about how to design your environment so that it nourishes you!
For More Inspiration
Check out my book The Powerful Room to help you decorate your home in way that supports positive living!